Boston Alliance for Community Health

About Us

True health equity is achieved when every person, regardless of their socio-economic status, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or any other status, has the opportunity to achieve their full health potential and the highest quality of life appropriate for each stage of life.


BACH Testifies at Walsh’s Transition Committee Meetings

BACH testified at three of Mayor-Elect Walsh’s Transition Committee Meetings on Education, Transportation, and Public Health. While it is obvious why we made recommendations about public health, you might ask, “Why is BACH at the Education and Transportation hearings?” The answer is that we want to influence policy and practice in those areas because they have such an effect on community health — whether it is the importance of school-based health care which lowers the dropout rate, and we know that finishing school is an indicator for better lifelong health, or instituting a safe streets policy that ensures that needs of all users including pedestrians and bicycles are considered by engineers and designers. Click below to read each statement:

Education Testimony»

Transportation Testimony»

Public Health Tesimony»

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