Boston Alliance for Community Health

About Us

True health equity is achieved when every person, regardless of their socio-economic status, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or any other status, has the opportunity to achieve their full health potential and the highest quality of life appropriate for each stage of life.

BACH Overview

”It’s a losing battle if we treat a child for asthma and then send her home to a smoke-filled apartment or to a playground that is next to a polluted lot.”
– John Riordan, Children’s Hospital Boston

Our History: The Boston Alliance for Community Health (BACH) is a partnership of Boston neighborhood coalitions, hospitals, nonprofits and community-based organizations, health centers, government agencies, and residents. BACH was created over twenty years ago as part of a Massachusetts Department of Public Health initiative. Currently, BACH brings together over 50 groups working to address health disparities, improve a broad spectrum of health outcomes, and achieve health equity.

Our Mission: To unite public, private, and non-profit partners in neighborhood-based, data-driven health planning and improvement to influence policymaking, program development, service delivery, and resource allocations that protect, promote and improve the health and well-being of all Boston residents.

Our Vision: We envision a Boston that is vibrant, just, and equitable, where all people who live, work, play, pray and learn have optimal health and well-being and enjoy a supportive environment and a sense of safety and belonging-regardless of who they are, what neighborhood they live, or where they come from.

Our Structure: BACH has a 21-person Steering Committee that sets priorities and oversees resource allocation for capacity building and the implementation of health improvement initiatives, along with three staff members. Committee member also participate in a range of working groups that help set BACH’s goals and objectives. All of them play leadership roles in their communities and organizations, as well as in a range of citywide and regional planning and policy efforts.

MAPP: Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) is a community-driven strategic planning process for improving community health. Through MAPP, BACH seeks to address racial and ethnic health inequities across the city of Boston. Factors such as structural and institutional racism and economic inequalities greatly contribute to health inequities. BACH is engaged in this health planning process on both the neighborhood and citywide levels.