Boston Alliance for Community Health

About Us

True health equity is achieved when every person, regardless of their socio-economic status, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or any other status, has the opportunity to achieve their full health potential and the highest quality of life appropriate for each stage of life.

Press Releases

Building Healthy and Resilient Communities

Media Contact: Olivia Larkin,

“BUILDING HEALTHY AND RESILIENT COMMUNITIES”: Boston Alliance for Community Health’s Annual Meeting to focus on efforts to improve health inequities in Boston neighborhoods.

Boston, MA: November 13, 2015: Boston Alliance for Community Health (BACH) will hold its Third Annual Meeting on Monday November 16 from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM, at the Bruce Bolling Building (2300 Washington St. Roxbury, MA 02119). The City of Boston’s first Chief Resilience Officer (CRO), Dr. Atyia Martin, who was appointed to CRO by Mayor Martin J. Walsh as part of the 100 Resilient Cities initiative of the Rockefeller Foundation, will give the keynote address.

In focusing on Boston’s specific resiliency challenges, the Annual Meeting will honor recipients of BACH’s first Healthy Community Leadership Awards. Awardees Amal Anwar, Carol Miranda, Shavel’le Olivier, Reginauld William and Corey Yarbrough are leaders who are committed to improving the health of the community and addressing racial and ethnic health inequities at the local level.

“We’re really excited to highlight some of the great leaders in our community and promote the pipeline to leadership. The nominees represent a diverse range of expertise and I’m just excited to congratulate them and to really see what they’ll continue to do in the city,” said Jamiah Tappin, BACH’s Community Organizing and Communications Manager.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to discuss BACH’s 5 Strategic Goals: Achieving racial and ethnic health equity; improving the coordination of healthcare and community-based services; building resilience in communities affected by trauma; improving health through education, employment, and transportation policy; and increasing the number of immigrants, persons of color, and other underrepresented populations in leadership roles.

The Meeting will provide networking opportunities for public health and nonprofit professionals. A light dinner will be served.

About BACH: Boston Alliance for Community Health (BACH) is a diverse city-wide partnership of neighborhood coalitions and over 50 community-based partners working to make Boston a healthier and a more equitable place to live, work, pray and play. With a strong emphasis on social determinants of health and racial justice, BACH uses data-driven, health planning to influence policymaking, program development and service delivery.



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